the mirkwood brings out all the weirdos.

tonight was a lot of fun despite the plethora of weirdos to navigate around. at least some of them are good for a laugh.
erin and i determined that it's a really good thing that we don't act on our first impulses because everyone would think we were total bitches if we did. if we had no conscience or self-control and did act on our first impulses, it would make for a very interesting night though. i would have kissed one guy, barfed on a different guy's head, told off an old man, danced to some good music, and possibly physically assaulted at least one person haha. all of those things, save for the dancing, would have probably gotten me in a whole mess of trouble. oh, and erin DEFINITELY would have punched at least a couple of people in the head.
i am not a bad person because my first impulse is to do any of those things, i am a good person because i never actually DO do those things.
so suffice to say, i did none of those things, and just remained in my quiet little box of trying to only talk to my friends but if forced to talk to other people, be somewhat polite even if i don't like them. in the long run it gets me nowhere, but i guess nowhere is where i want to be right now.
maybe i will tell off that old man one of these days though. he is seriously starting to grind my gears. he needs to butt the fuck out of other people's business. if you think this dude-bro is so handsome, then quit trying to convince ME of it and YOU fuckin give him YOUR number instead of telling me to give him my number, right in front of him, and YOU go fuckin marry him and move to georgia and have four kids because the thought of that makes me want to off myself. you're not fuckin cupid, dude. quit being all creepy and trying to hook everyone up with everyone else. let people live their own lives. and YES i do mind that you think i'm "so darn gorgeous" and that you "wish you were 25..." becuase it's fucking creepy borderline sexual harassment, and NO i will not go dance, not all girls dance. fuck! OH, AND NO, I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU. don't give yourself that much credit, you don't have THAT kind of power over me. i just think you're an old creepy creeperson who needs to butt out of everyone's lives.
on a lighter note, i think i'm gonna get to go see jason webley tomorrow night if alicia still wants to go. if not, i'll probably go to the same show i went to tonight and see the same people that i do and don't want to see and have some fun and get harrassed some. i guess it all evens out. it would be so nice if i could just talk to the people i want to talk to the whole time and not have to talk to the weirdies, without being a total bitch about it. but i wanna see jason webley anyway! and then camp tomato on sundayyyyyy yeah!

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